our lawyers
As a lawyer at Nielsen Nørager, you will work on exciting and challenging cases within one or more of our practice areas. Our younger lawyers receive a broad generalist education with the possibility of subsequent specialization.
We believe that a broad education is the best foundation for our lawyers' future careers. As a newly recruited lawyer and assistant attorney, you will quickly get the opportunity to work with complex legal issues and meet the clients you assist. Naturally, under the guidance of an experienced colleague.

High level
We emphasize a high level of professional and ethical standards and commitment, as well as the practical orientation, business acumen, interest and ability to understand our clients' needs and business thoroughly.
Nielsen Nørager and the partners at Nielsen Nørager rank among the leaders in Denmark in selected specialty areas.
See our international rankings in Chambers and Legal 500.
Good terms and conditions
We offer a flexible framework - freedom with responsibility - with room for diversity and different ambitions and a work-life balance. All our employees have a great deal of personal freedom and influence over their own daily lives.
We offer attractive salary and employment conditions that correspond to the professional qualifications and work performance of our staff. We have a bonus scheme for 2nd and 3rd year assistant attorneys and employed lawyers.
We have a pleasant, relaxed working environment and we regularly prioritize social events of various kinds for all employees. In addition, we have two annual parties: the Christmas party and the summer party. Our summer party is often a full-day excursion with overnight stays, which helps to strengthen our unity across professional groups and work tasks.
You are always welcome to send an unsolicited application with CV and transcript of records to us at job@nnlaw.dk.